Posted November 29, 2011 at 10:31 pm

Today I found Junkheap at Target. Two Junkheaps, in fact! And they're buy-two-for-$11.99 or so, so I got one for Graham as well. That's a $6 Junkheap!
And so Junkheap joins Wreck-Gar and Scrapheap. Junkheap's name is probably meant to be "Junkyard," which is a name Hasbro owns and belongs to a pre-existing Junkion, but this is probably one of those things where Hasbro decided that "Junkyard" is "a G.I. Joe name" and gave him an alternate. I'm thinking that's why they recently put out G.I. Joe Shockwave as "Shockblast," even though they owned the "Shockwave" trademark at the time. "Shockwave" is "a Transformers name."

Junkheap is undoubtedly supposed to be the Transformer-previously-known-as-Junkyard, though there seem to have been some speedbumps along the way, even other than the name. He's got a pretty similar color scheme and color placement, to be sure, but what clinches it is the head he got in the instructions. It had Junkyard's upturned-corkscrew horns, as well as his shades and general helmet shape. However, somewhere between the instruction art's creation and the toy's release, Junkheap's horns are now these tiny indistinct nubs. A safety problem? Who knows. But it makes him look less like Junkyard. Also, that mustache. That doesn't help either.
Scrapheap's brown, gray, and red color scheme was kind of dull, and Junkheap's colors are similar. They're much brighter, but not in an interesting way. Maybe I just don't like Junkion colors, which are kind of limited to the area of the spectrum between "rust" and "mustard." My brain just wants there to be a vibrant blue somewhere to balance it all out. Alas, it is not to be.
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