Posted July 7, 2013 at 3:27 pm

Hoist and especially Sandstorm are victims of some of the absolute worst timing. We're getting "Classics" versions of both of them this summer/fall, and I think that kind of puts these two iterations of their characters out of the limelight. Hell, it was just week or so ago when I got the Prettiest Fucking Sandstorm Toy Ever for $25, and about three days later I was paying twice that for this olive green and caramel thing. Admittedly, Pretty Sandstorm is a retool of a toy I already had and BotCon Sandstorm is a redeco of a movie toy that I'd never owned, so at least the latter was a new experience to me, but pretty goes a long, long way, man. (Also, Sandstorm is the only toy from the original Machine Wars I never bought.)
And while Hoist is getting a G1y version of himself sold in stores for $15, I don't think that's the worst news about the BotCon version. Both he and Electro, who share Kup's Generations body and a new head, suffer at least one if not two misassembly errors, depending on your specimen. The first, an interior misassembly that keeps you from transforming the torso all the way, is fairly easy to fix, and I have. The second, a bicep misassembly which keeps their arms from being able to fold all the way down, is not easy to fix, if not impossible. So many pins. My Hoist suffers from this, but not my Electro. I don't think I care that much. Hoist is probably going back in the box soon anyway. (Also, I didn't notice this until I got home because I only took out Hoist out of the box long enough to look at his shoulders, but man is the black stripe down the middle of his torso so not actually in the middle. Oof.)

On the flipside, that Mirage tho. I can't believe how much I dig this Mirage. I've got a lot of Mirages, including the original Machine Wars Mirage, and BotCon MW Mirage is so so so so so damn pretty. He's not the dark teal of the original, instead being more of a sea foam, and goddamn do I love him. He may replace my Classics Mirage on my shelf, because aw hell yeah, this guy. He was worth buying Thundercracker for. I just want to put him in my mouth.
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