Posted July 9, 2013 at 8:40 pm
I've nurtured a boner for these guys as soon as we learned about them from last year's Comic-Con.  I'd expected them to come out last spring, but after a few-months delay instead they arrived on my doorstep (via BBTS) the afternoon after I left for BotCon.  THE AGONY!  And I've really wanted to talk about them since, but I made myself go through a bunch of BotCon stuff first.

I'm gonna focus mostly on Impactor today.  He's the first toy we've gotten of the character since he debuted in the pages of Marvel UK's Transformers comic over 25 years ago as the soon-to-be-late leader of the Wreckers.  He was more of a tough-but-noble guy then, mostly because it supplied an impossible standard to live up to for the next Wreckers leader, Springer.  Like Dinobot, he came back as a shadow of his former self while still managing to save the day one more time with yet one more sacrifice.  Again.  Impossible standard.  Sorry, Springer!  He was reintroduced to Transformers in Last Stand of the Wreckers, where he was recast as an example of what millions of years of war can really do to a guy, especially one charged with leading a bunch of violent under-the-radar misfits like the Wreckers.  He's a stubborn and broken dude, having snapped, committed a war crime, and landed himself in Prison For Super Evil People.  He's supplies a different standard for that continuity's Springer to measure himself up against.

One of the reasons we haven't gotten an Impactor over the years is that he's a purple Autobot.  Hasbro's not big on purple Autobots.  So I guess this one's orange and dark blue!  Problem solved?  He's also a retool of FOC Onslaught, which is a double-edged sword.  It means his arms are kind of meh (the ball-joints are weak) and his alt-mode is double-meh (just meh all over) but it does mean that he forms the torso of a super Wreckers combiner.  Oh baby.  Seriously, he's the center of a fangasm made plastic.  Impactor has a trademark weapon arm (usually a harpoon), and this toy tries to duplicate that best it can with the materials provided.  Without any weapons attached, he's just got two normal arms.  He comes with a giant harpoon missile launcher weapon which he can hold, but that's not quite there yet.  HOWEVER, you can snap Onslaught's gun and the harpoon weapon together around the fist, concealing it, giving an impression that he does have an arm that ends in a weapon, albeit a very large one.

As a special and sort of weird bonus, the head of the combiner is based on Emirate Xaaron, the diminutive former politician and Autobot Underground Resistance Movement Figurehead who advised the Wreckers in the Marvel UK stuff.  So... if you waaaaaaant to, you could pull out that head while Impactor is in robot mode and pretend you have a big-noggined Xaaron toy with scoliosis.  You could!  If you wanted to!  Two former toyless guys get a toy all in one go!

Also of special note is the Wreckers faction symbol on the combiner mode's chest.  The blue hammer-headed Autobot logo hasn't seen the light of day since 3H's Wreckers comics over a decade ago.  You have no idea how happy its resurgence makes me.