Posts tagged with "lobo" - 1
Posted July 3, 2010 at 12:53 am
Tiny tiny legs!

Hahaha, thought it'd be a robot today, didn't you?  Lobo was waiting for me in a MattyCollector box when I got home from BotCon, so I gotta shove pictures of him into this blog some time.  Might as well be now!

I always enjoy the entirely new sculpt Justice League Unlimited figures.  They feel more "alive" than their usual plop-a-new-head-on-the-standard-body-and-call-it-a-day guys.  You can see just how nicely Mattel can sculpt these things when they're given free reign.  In that vein, Lobo is basically perfect.  He's asymmetrical and huge and round and angular all at the same time in different places.  Though he only really "works" in a typical standing pose, he's a joy to look at from all angles.

Not that I wouldn't balk at more plop-a-new-head-on-the-standard-body-and-call-it-a-day guys.  I need myself a Chronos the Time Thief, dammit.
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