Posts tagged with "icepick" - 1
Posted May 22, 2011 at 2:01 am
Don't mind me, I'm just Sergeant Chaos.

Sometimes I just buy toys because of their name.

Like Sergeant Chaos here.  He's part of a smaller-scale "Human Alliance" class of Transformers toys.  The old Human Alliance stuff stuck to established live-action movie characters like Sam and Mikaela and Epps, but this new smaller stuff is expanding out into new human characters to pair with new Transformers characters.  The humans have awesome totally-inconspicuous names like "Major Tungsten" and "Private Dedcliff" and "Sergeant Noble" and... Sergeant Chaos.  Who is a secret traitor to the Autobots and their Human Alliance!  He's paired with Icepick, who's a Decepticon who hangs with Chaos to get his awesome stolen intel.

Sergeant Chaos rides the world's largest snowmobile.

Sergeant Chaos!  I like to think that Chaos is his real last name and that he slowly worked his way up the ranks, from Private Chaos to Private First Class Chaos to Corporal Chaos and so on.  Maybe his first name is Frank?  Who knows.

Anyway, the absurdity appeals to me.  Plus his Decepticon partner transforms into a snowmobile.  A snowmobile!  So Sergeant Chaos is mine.  I boughts him.

Yeah, whatever this is.

The Sergeant Chaos figure itself has some articulation, despite its tiny size.  The head turns, of course, plus there's universal joints at the hips and shoulders, and bending knees and rotating wrists.  No elbows, but they're not really necessary.

Icepick the snowmobile is okay.  I don't have much to say about him.  I keep him in snowmobile mode, mostly.  He's just Sergeant Chaos's snowmobile, as far as I'm concerned.  Icepick also has a third attack mode where you put the treads in front and split them up into a huge sawblade.  There's a 5mm peg at the back so larger toys can hold him as a weapon.

Sergeant Chaos.
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