Posts tagged with "bumper" - 1
Posted February 8, 2013 at 9:41 pm
Back in 1984, there was a strange yellow non-Bumblebee Mini Vehicle that was sold on Cliffjumper cards.  Years later, Transformers fandom would dub this dude "Bumblejumper" (or "Bumper" for short) by portmanteauing the two names together.  The Bumper name was later made official by appearances in Dreamwave comics.

Venksta, the guy behind, did some custom heads to replace your Classics Bumblebee heads to make other dudes.  Bumper, Hubcap, and Goldbug were among them.  This was a sweet idea, especially since getting the Bumblebee toy in yellow as some non-Bumblebee guy seemed like Not A Terribly Likely Occurrence.  I didn't want to do both Hubcap and Bumper (and didn't want to replace Bumblebee on my shelf with Goldbug... wait, why?  That's awesome, what's wrong with me?)  and so I had to choose between the two.  I settled on  Bumper because Hubcap is a more popular guy who's more likely to get his own official toy eventually.  Bumper?  Not so much.  He's a footnote's footnote.  If you're doing Yellow Bumblebee #2, it's gonna be Hubcap.

And so here he is!  His head comes in a baggy along with an assortment of 5mm-peg weaponry, 'cuz, y 'know, just a baggy with a single head in it feels a little empty.  So, hey, added value.  The head's of excellent quality and looks like it belongs on the toy.   I've always wanted to try out a Renderform head, and so scratch that off the bucket list!  Judging by this guy, I'll be happy to try out more.

(If you want to get a Goldbug head, has some in stock.)
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