Posted January 8, 2013 at 1:06 am
We've gotten quite a few new Stepper/Ricochets over the years, but never a new toy of his buddy Artfire until now. The pair exist because Japan didn't want to do Cyclonus and Scourge as Targetmasters, I guess, and so they gave their Targetmaster partners to redecos of the Jazz and Inferno toys. Redoing white Jazz toys in black as Stepper/Ricochet makes pretty solid retail sense, but redoing the red Inferno as, uh, mostly red Artfire probably seems like a less good idea. Artfire was never very visually distinct from Inferno, roughly being an Inferno with a white chest, so that's likely why he hasn't shown up until now. (Also because we get a dozen times more Jazz toys than Infernos.)

At least there's three different heads to go between them. (You'll note the handpainted Hot Spot head I gave to my Pyro.) There aren't many G1 firetrucks even left to still make this guy into. There's probably still a Micromaster firetruck, right? And Hosehead. Both of whom are probably red and black, so, well, you know. And, heck, they could probably still get away with making a Hauler, and I would be very happy to buy it. I say that not only because I don't have an original Hauler (I got my Sunstorm long after he was released and so after the duo had been split up on the secondary market), but because I still really like this toy. And thank god for that.
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