Posted December 13, 2005 at 7:55 pm
Shortpacked! and Blank Label Comics scored some hot-ass accolades in Comixpedia's End of 2005 Roundtable. In particular, Karl Kuras named Shortpacked! one of his five favorite strips. I could quip here that Karl's check is in the mail, but that joke is dated. I am cutting edge and pine fresh, in an IN YOUR FACE sort of way. Instead, I'll just say to Karl: "DONG SCHLONG MONG DONG FONG LONG ZONG PONG KONG DONG"

Karl'll know what I mean.

Also, for all you Transformers peeps, Entertainment Earth has put up Hasbro's release photos of Mini-Con 2-packs wave 3 and Star Wars Transformers wave 2. Sunstorm is awesome. I collect all Sunstorms. Sadly, this Sunstorm sports a distinct lack of ORANGE. Furthermore, his robot mode is entirely black and white. DOUBLEYOU-TEE-EFF. GET ON THE BALL HASBRO. (I kid.)

And lastly, people, I know Aslan is a Christ allegory. Monday's strip was something known as a "rhetorical question." The double standard was the point of the comic, or the "joke," as we call it here in the business. I don't need it explained. I realize that most of you who are sending me these emails don't read this blog, but I'm just putting this out there anyway.

(I should do a comic about it. I sure don't get any "Hey, did you know there's Star Wars Transformers" emails anymore.)

((Man. Why don't I have more readers? It's like I'm doing something to push them away.))

(((The previous parenthetical was another one of those "rhetorical questions." Cheese almighty, don't send me emails explaining it.)))