Forget the rest of the imported Asian exclusives,
Hot Spot is the one I really wanted! I love Hot Spot. He and his Protectobots were among the first Transformers I owned, and I had all of them. (Incidentally, I am also pretty big on Defensor.) Surprise, I am happy to have a new Hot Spot!
Yeah, there've been a few other Hot Spots through the years, but none of them have been terribly satisfactory to me. A
Mini-Con was colored like him once. Later,
Legends of Cybertron Optimus Prime was redone as Hot Spot, as was
Titanium RID Prime. We would have gotten the
best damn Hot Spot ever for OTFCC 2004, but OTFCC 2004 was kind of the Titanic and whatnot, so oops.

But this guy does it for me! He's big and blocky and made from a toy I like. (Yes, my Dinobot Syndrome is strong for this mold. Once Artfire comes out, I'll take a picture of all five uses of it. Though I still want a Hauler from it as well...) And he's got a new head! Hooray for new heads!

My only complaint is that his robot mode needs some red. Well, more red. The lights on the roof aren't nearly enough.
This is solved for me, thankfully, by Reprolabels! (see below left) I already had Hot Spot's "upgrade" sticker sheet waiting around the house for me to find this toy, so they went on him pretty quickly. The new red and silver hazard stripes not only call back to the original toy, but they add that red I so strongly desire.
He's pretty hard to find at the moment because he's one to a case and he's the guy folks seem to be after the most. Hopefully he'll saturate! Once I start spotting more of him, and after all my friends in town have gotten him, I wanna get an extra one to steal the head from.
Spark's Inferno head just won't do.