Posted October 3, 2012 at 10:34 pm
Somehow I have all the Primax Springer toys. I didn't intend to. I have the four of them, and I only purposefully bought three. Over a decade ago (probably 2001), I bought the original Springer 'cuz it was the only game in town, and I wanted the Wreckers' leader. Then in 2007 BotCon gave us a second Springer, a redeco of Hot Shot. Shortly after, we got another Springer at retail. I considered my BotCon Springer sufficient for my requirements, but this New Retail Springer came packaged with a Ratbat I wanted, so.

...but then Hasbro decided he was gonna get sold over here, too (as Toys"R"Us exclusives), and so now he was suddenly domestic prices. Impulse-buyable. And since around that time we were getting our first good photos of him, I started to realize he had things I desired. I mean, I already knew he had a new head and a new sword. Those were nice. But I didn't realize he was going to be so gray-with-yellow-and-blue-hazard-stripes in helicopter mode. His helicopter mode gives me Original Springer Toy Feels in a way the other new Springers have not. So, yes, for $15, I would own that.
The new sword does complicate things a little. It can peg into helicopter mode, but only if you unpeg one of his missile launchers. His missile launchers do have several other ways to attach several other places, but I liked them best under the helicopter wings. The sword also is grasped pretty loosely in his hand. Good thing it's got a hilt guard (double powerlinx ports!), 'cuz that's what keeps it from just slipping down through his palm.

(Besides that toy has already been another G1 guy, so technically it was a G1 aesthetic already.)
Have I mentioned how much I like those little yellow-and-blue hazard stripes on his gray wings? I really, really do.
Tags: generations, springer