Posted July 28, 2012 at 2:22 am

So Asia got these exclusive Transformers and we're getting them later as exclusives blah blah blah, and Swerve was one of them. I want more than him, but he was what I was able to order, which turned out okay, since I'll be able to get the rest for domestic retail price anyway. I'm only paying import prices for Swerve. That news of them coming stateside came just in time. (I got mine from TFSource, btw, which is one of the big sponsors of TFWiki.)
Long, long ago, Swerve was a truck. Then he was a car, then another car, and then even more cars. This is the first truck he's been since the original, unless I'm having a brain fart. He's Generations Kup with a new head, the alternate one featured in Kup's instructions. And he's, y'know, in Swerve colors.

The weird thing about Asian Swerve (and the rest of his Asian-exclusive toyline) is that while his packaging is completely English... the domestic-release ones displayed at Comic-Con had Chinese all over them. I guess maybe they think kids will think that's neat? Maybe! I really have no idea.
Tags: generations, swerve