Posted April 9, 2013 at 10:27 pm

I've always been a Frenzy over a Rumble guy. The reasons for this are simple and petty: I had Frenzy's toy as a kid, not Rumble, and Frenzy featured prominently in my first comic books, not Rumble. (I'm sure Rumble was IN them, in fact I know he was, but he was kind of colored blue in them just like Frenzy so it's not like he had a large chance of standing out.) And the cartoon was for chumps (who got home from school earlier)!

Plus, man, I gotta tell ya, Buzzsaw's Masterpiece toy is just so much more compelling than Frenzy/Rumble's. Buzzsaw was always one of the better early Recordicons because he transformed out of his cassette shape into multiple directions. He didn't remain flat like Frumble and Ravage. His wings spread out, sure, but he also poked his legs and head out and became more 3D. And so, visually, Frenzy just isn't as interesting to me me. He's a thin dude. Obviously, Masterpiece Frenzy is way more intricate than the original and makes for a much more poseable and believable humanoid robot, but he's still kinda flat.

And Frenzy's giant piledrivers which he has because of Frumble Mixup are obviously gonna be big extra parts you plug in. There's also a third part that both piledrivers attach to which then in turn plugs into Frenzy's back, if you want robot mode storage. It makes him unstandable, so I'm not sure why you would. But hey, it's there!
So, really, there's more stuff to do with Frenzy than Buzzsaw just by considering the sheer amount of extra stuff he comes with. But I still prefer amazingly self-contained Buzzsaw.
Tags: frenzy, masterpiece