Posted October 13, 2011 at 12:38 am
YOU get a toy! And YOU get a toy! EVERYBODY GETS A TOY!

Within the past couple days, TakaraTomy, the folks who do Transformers over in Japan, have been doing crazy, crazy things.  Crazy things that I love.  Let me list you toys that we are getting early next year:


"Enemy" was what some Hasbro licensee called their Rumble's-head-shaped electronic voice changer back in the 80s.  It was red,  unlike Rumble or Frenzy, which was also the color of Rumble/Frenzy's toy back in pre-Transformers Microchange.  We are getting that toy in red as Enemy.


Wingthing was Soundwave's Action Master partner.  He transformed from a bat to a gun.  Now he's going to be a redeco of Ratbat, just like Animated Wingthing was.


Nightstalker was a Micro-Cassette kitty similar to Ravage that featured only in a Marvel UK text story.  He was likely based on a contest design that a British kid submitted to the magazine.  He is now going to be a redeco of Steeljaw in Ravage colors.

This made-up guy gets a toy!


Wipe-Out was Trypticon's little sycophantic buddy in one issue of the American Marvel comics.  Until now, he was a toyless character, visually based on Tailgate's toy.  He's going to be a redeco of Windcharger, who in G1 shared some tooling with Tailgate.


Stripes was a Mini-Cassette of Blaster's that was only mentioned in an early draft of The Transformers: The Movie.  He's going to be a redeco of Ravage as a tiger.  This is absolutely as obscure as one can get, even counting the UK text story cat and the guy who was just a head.

Seriously, you guys.  Whatever it is TakaraTomy's smoking over there, I want them to keep at it.  I'm rapidly running out of hypothetical Transformers holy grails.  I really think Stripes is absolutely untoppable when it comes to obscurity.  I mean, to get more obscure than him you'd have to start referencing Transformers fanfiction.

Pardon me, geekspasming out over here.