Roomies! Book 2 stretch goal for Kickstarter
Posted May 11, 2013 at 2:01 am
The Dumbing of Age Book 2 Kickstarter funded in like 20 hours, the second stretch goal (Saturday updates) took another day, and jeezus crap I didn't expect us to be nearing on the first Roomies! Book 2 stretch goal before the weekend began in earnest!  You guys never cease to exceed my expectations.  But, yeah.  If we reach $27k, we get the long-long-long-long-awaited Roomies! Book 2 with black and white interiors.  And since there are a handful of color Sundays in that book, if we reach $32k, we can afford to print the book in color to accommodate them!  So if you need a book in your life about college that's really kind of about fighting aliens for the government, I'd take a gander yonder. (Why Roomies! Book 2 instead of SP! Book 5?  'Cuz folks have been waiting waaaaaaay longer for the former -- like ten years -- and I need to get this done to absolve my conscience.  SP! 5 is next, whenever that opportunity is, though.  At the rate we're going, hell, that might be another stretch goal this go-round, but I won't wanna get any hopes up prematurely.) (And why is it not "Giant-Sized Cerebus Syndrome" any more?  I've decided since that even being reminded about Dave Sim makes me feel sad in my heart, and I'm gonna be selling piles of these things one foot in front of me at cons for years, so it had to go.)