Posted April 8, 2013 at 5:09 am

I don't post a lot of fan art on this particular site 'cuz my ad networks on here frown on lack of text and I'm already a webcomic.  But!  I got like an avalanche of Ultra Car art this past week and I thought I'd cram them all into one post all quick-like, and then maybe do a review in a day or so to cement that contextualizing info back in.  LET'S DO THIS!  (left to right, top row to bottom)

1) David McGuire (animated, have to click)

2) Also David McGuire!

3) Randy Milholland

4) Yotomoe

5) BrassyDel

6) Dottianne

7) DownrightDapperDoodles

8) Ellejohara

9) HunterLu

So anyway, I got more art of Skater Girl Ultra Car within one week than I have of any other character in Shortpacked! in all its eight years.  She might be popular.
Tags: fan art